My name is Charlotte Dalbin and I am a healer, medium, and Akashic Records reader, working primarily remotely from my hometown of Las Galeras, Dominican Republic. My background is as diverse as my path: I was raised in a multilingual home with a French-Italian father and a Dominican mother, and I’ve been fortunate to live in the Caribbean, Europe and the United States. These experiences have broadened my horizons and deepened my understanding of the world.

I Don't
I Design

Fashion Style

Academically, I hold a BA in Communications from France and an MA in Geopolitics from London, UK. For much of my career, I worked with NGOs, military institutions, and governments, focusing on issues like gender equality, security, and irregular migration. But spirituality has always been at the core of who I am.
From a young age, I experienced profound spiritual phenomena. As a little girl, I remember seeing myself from the ceiling while lying on the floor daydreaming—what I now understand to be out-of-body experiences. My vivid dreams often involved healing or freeing others from negative energies, sparking an insatiable curiosity for the mystical and unexplainable.
When my father passed away when I was 12, my spiritual journey deepened. I began researching near-death experiences, turning my curiosity into a lifelong side study alongside my academic and professional pursuits.
Fashions Fade
Style Is Eternal
Yves Saint Laurent
Beauty Things
Live THe Moment
In 2021, everything shifted. What some might call a spiritual or Kundalini awakening profoundly transformed my consciousness. Suddenly, the spiritual practices I had studied and explored for years became tangible and undeniable. I could see auras, sense energy fields, and receive intuitive insights about people, animals, and life itself. Communicating with my higher self and spirit guides became effortless, and it was clear that I needed to use these gifts to serve others—just as I have benefited from others’ gifts in my own healing journey.
For the past three years, I have fully dedicated myself to this calling. Each session I facilitate not only helps others but also contributes to my own healing, growth, and learning. I am deeply grateful for this journey and for the opportunity to share these gifts with you.
It’s important to say this: I am a work in progress, just like everyone else. My role is simply to serve as a channel—a bridge between you, your higher self, your guides, and Source. During our sessions, my goal is to become invisible, allowing the focus to remain entirely on your healing and growth.
Thank you for being here.
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